How do organic inspections work?

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The purpose of an organic inspection is to confirm that your operation meets the NOP standards and regulations both before it is certified and every year after as long as it remains certified. Inspectors do this by confirming that what you say in your application, called an Organic System Plan (OSP), is what you are doing in practice.

An excellent, low-cost resource titled Preparing for Organic Inspection, which includes checklists and other resources, is available fromNCAT's Sustainable Agriculture Project.

Inspections for New Applicants

In your Organic System Plan (application) you explain what your do, how you do it, and what you use to do it with. Once the CCOF home office receives and reviews your application, your inspection assignment will be forwarded to an appropriately experienced inspector in your area. That inspector will contact you to set up a mutually agreeable time for your inspection.

The inspector will verify that your practices are in compliance with the National Organic Program (NOP) and any international requirements you request. This is performed through verification that your Organic System Plan accurately depicts your practices and procedures.

Inspections for Existing Clients

Currently certified operations will be assigned an inspection annually by your Inspection Supervisor. You can find your Inspection Supervisor listed in your MyCCOF contacts area. They can answer questions about inspection timing or your assigned inspector.

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